For the fourth year in a row, the Tollens and Zolpan distribution networks teams have been recognized by Capital for their magazine’s top ranking of best brands in terms of quality of services.
Zolpan and Tollens in France stand out in the “House Champion” category. Tollens confirms its first step with the score of 7.77 / 10 and Zolpan gets the third with 7.35 (versus 7.20 last year).
20,000 consumers were surveyed anonymously via an independent survey reviewed 1,600 banners from 142 different business sectors. As is the case every year, respondents rated the satisfaction of retailers visited in the past three years by answering three questions about customer care, the level of professional expertise and finally the desire to recommend the brand.
Thank you to our customers for once again trusting the commitment of our sales teams at their side.
Attached the article (only in French)