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Employee portraits

Our employees are in the best position to talk about their experience within Cromology. Check out their testimonials.

portrait de collaborateur Florent
« For the past 15 years, I’ve been able to evolve in the same company and still have fun in my job. »


Area Manager at Zolpan

How did you evolve within Cromology ?

I joined Zolpan in 2007 on a permanent contract as a replacement for a saleswoman after a work-study course in Business administration for a wall decoration company.
I then joined the Grasse Point of Sales as a showroom salesperson. I obviously learned a lot about our paint ranges and also about power tools.
After four years, I still wanted to evolve and increase my skills. I was then appointed Technical Sales Representative for the Cannet, Grasse and Mandelieu area.
In June 2012, for personal reasons, I returned to my family in the North of France. I was transferred to the North, still for Zolpan.
In 2016, I became a Technical Sales Representative for key account clients.
Since october 2020, I have expanded my scope: I have also become manager of a team of three Technical Sales Representatives one Point of Sales Manager and five salespeople covering the Lille area.

What do you like in your job ?

For the past 15 years, I’ve been able to evolve in the same company and still have fun in my job, free to manage and lead my daily pro life.
The whole team have strong technical knowledge in common to provide our clients with advice and value-added solutions for painting, interior or façade projects.

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